A Hybrid Productivity System for Creative Entrepreneurs
Learn How to Plan, Focus, Work with Teams, Get-Things-Done & Accomplish your most Important Goals… even if you have ADD! #productivity course
Plan, Manage & Execute on Your Goals & Projects using a Paper + Digital workflow
Overcome Overwhelm with visible written Goals and Action Plans
Reduce Stress by identifying your Weekly/Daily Priorities
Manage Projects, People & Progress with Wkly Tracking Reports
If you struggle with ADD, Procrastination, or F.T.E. (Failure-to-Execute), this Course is For YOU!
You've invested in various Planners, Task Managers, Books, Online Courses, etc., but it's Not Helping; You still feel like you're spinning your wheels on a treadmill in the whirlwind of day-to-day work challenges and a never-ending To-Do List. You love the feeling of writing things down on paper, but you work in a Digital World with so many moving pieces & people & products to manage. On top of that, you're an "ADD" Creative / Entrepreneur type who has more ideas than time & resources.
I understand the overwhelm & frustration you feel, and I battle the temptation of spreading myself too thin, trying to do too much, and not making the kind of progress I desire, or seeing the successful fruits of my labor. And while I'm still very much a "work-in-progress", I've learned a few things I can do consistently to Get Organized & Get-Things-Done; Focus on just a few Goals, Roles & Projects every Quarter - Week - Day, to create the most value for the People I serve & the highest (mutual) ROI. I'd like to share this with you in a course I've titled: Productivity for "ADD" Creatives & Entrepreneurs - using a Hybrid system to G.T.D! - EMC
Productivity for Purpose-Driven
"ADD" Creatives & Entrepreneurs
In this course, I'll walk you through a Hybrid Productivity System using Paper + Digital planning tools like the Full Focus Planner, Productivity Planner & The One Thing 411 Planning system, along with Todoist Pro & ClickUp for Task & Project management.
You'll learn how to manage Annual + Quarterly Goals, Weekly Priorities + Projects, and Daily Tasks. I'll show you how I Capture my Ideas & Todo's on paper first, then Clarify my Weekly/Daily Priorities, Organize them in my Task Manager, and then Commit - Calendar + Share my "Big 3"+ MVPs (Most Valuable Priorities).
We'll go through the Weekly Preview process of Review & Planning, setting your Weekly Goals/MVP's, and listing all the Other Secondary Tasks you need/want to do. I'll share my Workday Startup & Shutdown Routines, Daily Mind + Body + Soul Habits, Time Blocking Your (Ideal) Week, Productivity Tools, and How I manage my ADHD to stay focussed, eliminate distractions & make daily progress towards my goals.
Who is this for?
The Dreamer
Creative Entrepreneur
You're a Creative Entrepreneur striving to try to turn your ideas into a profitable business using your unique talents.
The Learner
Career Professional
You're a Career Professional striving to learn new skills to add more value & better serve your company/clients.
The Doer
Business Owner
You're a Business Owner looking to grow & scale while maintaining a healthy & happy work/life balance.
Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up
Get Clarity
In this Course you'll Get Clarity on What You Want & Why? We'll Start with the End in Mind & Reverse-Engineer your Year & ea. Quarter or Month.
Get a Plan
A flexible Plan for How to Achieve your Goals. What Next-Action Steps You Can Do this Week-Today to Move Fwd? What's your Lead Domino?
Get Things Done!
Commit - Calendar + Share your Weekly MVPs with an Accountability Partner. Track & Report your Progress regularly to Execute!
When you Sign Up you'll received a Confirmation Email and Links to set up an Account you can Log-in to access the Course Materials when we Go Live. The Course consists of 7 Modules with Text & Audio/Video Lessons. We also have Downloadable PDF Worksheets to help you apply what you've learned. It takes 3-4 hours to complete the course, depending on your application. You'll also get free access to any updated lessons in the future and Lifetime Access!
Course Modules & Lessons
Module 1: Introduction
1a. Productivity Course Preview
1b. User Course Video Testimonial (new)
1c. Productivity Tips for "ADD" Creatives
Module 2: Using an "Analog" Paper Planner
2a. Paper Planners - Overview & Benefits
2b. Using the Full Focus Planner by Michael Hyatt Co.
2c. Using the Productivity Planner by Intelligent Change
2d. Bonus Lesson: Planners Q&A's
2e. Quarterly Productivity Planner review (new)
Module 3: Using Digital Task Manager Apps
3a. Using Todoist + Full Focus Planner
3b. Using Todoist + Productivity Planner / 411
3c. ClickUp & Other Task-Project Managers
3d. Using a Task Manager in a Hybrid system Q&A
Module 4: Time & Pomodoro Tracking
4a. Using PomoDone Time & Pomo Tracker
4b. RescueTime Productivity Time Tracking
4c. Garmin Health & Activity Tracking
4d. Time Tracking Reports & Coaching
Module 5: Daily + Weekly Rituals - Review & Plan
5a. Full Focus Planner Weekly Previews
5b. Productivity Planner Weekly Review & Plan + 411
5c. Morning & Workday Start/End Rituals (FFP)
5d. 2021 Morning Workday Routine (Journal+Plan)
5e. AM Workday Startup & Shutdown Routines (samples)
Module 6: Wkly/Mthly Coaching & Accountability
Module 7: Bonus Materials
7a. Life Planning + Values Exercise (EOL)
7b. Life Goals 10-5-1yr Exercises (BMSU)
7c. Connect to your (Higher) Purpose & Prayer
7d. 2022 Productivity system Changes (coming soon)
Regular, Premium or Premium+ Course packages
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premium+ Course
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Special Offer! Enroll Now & Get Free BONUS Content!
Order Now & Get These Bonuses!
Productivity Templates
Get 2 Custom Productivity Templates for Todoist inspired by the Full Focus Planner & Productivity + 411 Planners, to help you implement a Hybrid system.
Review & Planning Worksheets
Downloadable PDF Files you can Print & Complete regularly to help you Review, Process & Plan your Work & Personal Life Priorities.
* Online Peer Support Group
Access to Pvt. Support Group of positive like-minded Creatives, Entrepreneurs & Goal Achievers to Post Questions, Learn, Resource & Network.
This Course will Help You Capture, Clarify & Commit to your Weekly Priorities & Get-Things-Done!
The Struggle is Real
I want as many people as possible to have access to this material, so we've created 2 simple packages to help you design a custom hybrid system that works for you, regardless of your Planner or Task Manager. And because I value your time, there's no added fluff here - just clear & concise content you can Act-on immediately. Learn how I use various productivity tools to run my business, create content, market & sell my products & services, serve my people/clients, and balance my personal & family life.
You could easily spend 3-to-10 times more for similar "premium" content + coaching and not get the principals, practical productivity tips, or personal support I offer in our advanced course package. You can watch this course in a few hours & immediately start planning your Work & Personal Life priorities smarter with our easy-to-use Weekly Planning Worksheets & Custom Productivity Templates for Todoist & ClickUp*.
Imagine being able to finish work early (3-4pm?) without any guilt to pick up your kids, exercise, read, write, play...or just relax (you deserve it!), knowing you've done what matters most. Start enjoying your Work & Family & Life again by taming your todo's & making "your work" work for you. Cheers! - EMC
Get Your Free Course Lesson
Sign up to get your free Lesson on Higher Purpose & Prayer from our Productivity for Purpose-Driven Creative Entrepreneurs Course.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
We Guarantee you'll become more Productive by putting into Practice what you Learn in this Course. We Offer a 30 Day $99 Money Back Guarantee if you're not satisfied with the Course Content.
Frequently Asked Questions
This Course is for Creatives, Entrepreneurs/Business Owners, People with ADD/ADHD, Full Focus Planner &/or Productivity Planner users, Todoist users, Project/Team Managers, and anyone who just wants to be More Productive!
Click Here for an overview of what you'll Learn when you take the Course.
You'll have a proven framework to create your own custom "Hybrid" Productivity System for Purposeful Planning, Prioritizing Weekly/Daily Tasks, Project & People Mgm't, and Promo-Time Tracking that combines the best Analog & Digital tools.
YES! If you're a new Full Focus or Productivity Planner user you'll learn how you can use a Paper Planner to organize your Life + Work Goals & Priorities, Weekly & Daily Tasks etc. If you prefer a Digital Tool to manage your projects/people, I'll show you how to implement the same principals in Todoist, working from your Annual - Quarterly Goals - Weekly Priorities, and Pomo/Time Tracking Sync.
We offer Support via Email, a Pvte. Gold Street Facebook Group & a 30min. Coaching Call for Advanced/Premium Course members. Additional Coaching/Training packages are available here.
The Reg. Course is available anytime. The Adv.-Premium package with Support/Coaching is available for limited posts available for Sign-Ups every Quarter. Click here to get on the Wait-List. (Enter Course name in Subject line & your Full Name)
A Personal Note
I want to personally encourage you to commit today to Being & Doing Your Best! I believe this course can help you be more productive & get more of the right things done. I'm proud to share my "hybrid" system with you, and I hope you sign up so I can teach you how to overcome common productivity roadblocks and achieve your Goals!
About The Course Teacher,
(Eric Michael Cap)
Eric Michael Cap is a passionate multi-talented Content Creator, Marketing Professional & Coach. Eric has run his own successful Creative Agency / Production Business @ GOLD STREET for over 2 Decades in Los Angeles, fulfilling the roles of Creative Dir/Mgr, Writer/Producer & Audio/Video Editor-Mixer. He's a committed Christian, Husband & Father who loves helping & serving like-minded People with excellence.
#EricMichaelCap #GoldStreet #creative #content #marketing #coaching
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GOLD STREET Goal Planning Workshop
Join other creative & purpose-driven entrepreneurs for a 1/2 Day Goal Setting course workshop. Discover your core values, imagine your someday/10years goals, work backwards to your 3-5yr vision and annual goal priorities. Determine your lead domino habits and join an accountability group to help you become the person you desire. #goals #2024 #bestyearever #habits #values