Using Affirmations to BE & DO Your Best
Affirmations are a popular and effective method to helping Entrepreneurs rise to the occasion and put mind over matter. But how can we do so as Christians, using them to align us with our faith rather than beefing up our ego? Get the FREE Proverbs 31 Entrepreneur Scripture-Affirmations sample download below!
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Spiritual Identity Affirmation Statement
“I, (insert Your Name), am a Child of GOD - no longer a Slave to my Sin (insert your Strongholds). I've been Forgiven & Given New Life & Hope through Jesus who Loves Me (1Jn4:16), Believes in Me & Sacrificed Himself - Dying for me (@ The Cross). Jesus is Lord of my Life, and I Worship - Follow + Serve My King (Leader), embracing my higher Purpose (LOVE GOD & People - Mt 22:36-40) & Mission (Mt 28-18-20 Great Co-Mission - Make Disciples - Baptize - Teach 2-Obey w/Jesus). I've been Chosen/Called by GOD out of this (dark-evil-lost) World, to be His Ambassador - His Voice + Messenger & Light - to offer People the Love-Joy-Peace-Hope-Meaning I've found.
I Have the Spirit, Words, Mind & Power of Christ (I Cor 2:11) who Lives in/with me (Jn 15 - the Vine). I'm as Confident in GOD as King David (Ps 25:14) {E7?} - a Man after God's Own Heart, and Joseph {E#3?} who maintained his (Personal) Integrity & Leadership in all circumstances. And although I am weak in many areas, I hold to Joel 3:10 - ‘Let the weak say I Am Strong’, and my Life Verse - Phi 4:13: "I Can Do (Endure) All Things through Christ who gives me the Strength", i.e. not by my might-&-power but by His Spirit's Power working in-&-thru me. I'm as strong now as I was the day Jesus called me - just as vigorous to go to battle (in the marketplace) to fight for my promised land (piece of prosperity) [Caleb-E#8?]
By Affirming & Believing these Biblical Truths to overcome Satan's Lies, Limiting Beliefs & Self-Doubt, and Growing & Multiplying my GOD-Given Gifts (Ideas/Talents), Strengths (Leader/Teacher) & Faith (®AnsweredPrayers-Wins-Learned), I Am Becoming the person GOD created me to Be, and I will CREATE + Multiply & Glorify GOD with the Gifts/Talents He's given me (Matt 25), by Passionately Serving the People He’s Given to Me with Integrity & Excellence, to Make a lasting Difference in their Lives, Families, Businesses, Churches & Communities. Amen!