November 11

Productivity Course reviews

Productivity Course reviews

by Eric Michael Cap | GOLD STREET

Gold Street Productivity Course review: Do More & Enjoy Life!

Catherine Giese review of Gold Street's Productivity Course taught by founder Eric Michael Cap. Learn how to connect your work to your higher-purpose, use paper & digital planning tools to prioritize & accomplish goals, and boundaries to enjoy an enriching work-life balance @ #productivity #goals #course 

Productivity Course BTS

Hi. I'm Catherine, and I'm the Marketing Assistant here at Gold Street.

I took the Productivity Course with Eric while he was filming it, and then I also kind of had it reinforced as we did our quarterly and yearly review and planning together. So in that way, I'd say I have taken some kind of version of the course with coaching.

When I first met Eric, I was at a “crossroads”, I would say, in my life. I definitely made work the center of everything, and that was making me not fully satisfied with my life and also with my work because it was too much a part of my life.

I was saying “yes” a lot. I was definitely a people pleaser. I was overcommitted and I wasn't satisfied with how I was following through on those commitments, because I was just saying yes to everything and I was really burnt out.

After taking the course with Eric, I felt like I was able to put work in its place and I was also able to put my goals and my higher purpose first.

One of the best things about the course is that it helps you really identify what your higher purpose is and what your ultimate goal is so that you can then design your life around that rather than just designing it around whatever pops up in the moment.

So in that way, it helped me get more done in more areas of my life. I also learned really helpful techniques for planning my day and getting through my day.

For example, time blocking was really important for me. I found that I do my best creative work in the morning, so I block off the morning section of my day for that deep work. And then after that, I plan administrative tasks or communication, or other kinds of things that I can do with my different energy levels throughout the day.

Learning the Pomodoro method was also really important. With remote work especially, I have a tendency to zero in on whatever I'm doing and get into hyperfocus, and then it really drains me of all my energy. So learning how to purposefully take breaks every 30 minutes helped me get through my day with a lot more energy left over at the end of it.

As I was doing that, I was also using the PomoDoneApp, which helped me track my time. And that was really helpful because it allowed me to see where I was spending the most time, what I was getting done faster, what I was getting done slower, and just generally helped me better see the breakdown of my day.

This actually helped me at work. I was able to hire some writers and get a title change because I was actually doing more editorial work rather than social media work, which was what I was originally hired to do.

But overall, I think the greatest reward is that my life just feels more balanced and more intentional. While you're never going to be 100% perfect all the time, I now have the tools that I need to check in with myself and make sure that everything is going in the direction that I want it to go.

UCLA Student Productivity Course review

UCLA Student Jasmine shares a brief testimonial on how the Gold Street Productivity Course has helped her get organized and stay on top of all her College commitments; from classes to homework assignments, study plans, work, volunteering, social events, etc. Learn more @ #productivity #collegelife #studytips

Heart Walk UCLA Health

Hey everyone, my name is Jasmine. I'm a current undergraduate student at UCLA, so that means that my schedule is jam-packed with work labs School classes volunteering and all that good stuff that goes into being a college student.

So I really needed help organizing all of my stuff and my time from the whole year down two weeks down to the day so I did that by using the Gold Street productivity course and this Gold Street Productivity Course really helped me organize all of my assignments organize everything that I had to do into a schedule so no assignment was left unturned.

And there will be a new version coming out this year so I'm really excited to try it out, especially as my course load just gets heavier and heavier of course. And you guys should check it out too, whether you're a student or just need to organize your time as I definitely did! And you could go ahead and check that out at their website which is

Productivity for "ADD" Creatives & Entrepreneurs

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About the Author

Eric Michael Cap is the Creative Leader & founder of Gold Street - a Music & Media Content + Marketing Agency based in Burbank - Los Angeles CA. With over two decades of entrepreneurial experience, he blends creativity and purpose to help clients make an impact. A devoted husband of 24 years and a follower of Jesus for over 34, Eric is deeply rooted in his faith and finds joy in serving his people. He currently leads a hybrid Men's Life Group @ Mariners Church Irvine, and has supported fellow entrepreneurs as a Faith Driven Entrepreneur facilitator, and Songwriters/Artists via Gold Street music workshops & showcases. His daughter Jasmine recently graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor of Science degree (PsychoBiology major) & Latin honors. When he's not working, you’ll find Eric soaking up nature at the beach, hiking scenic trails, enjoying music/arts, or capturing life through his camera lens. #EricMichaelCap #GoldStreet #creative

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