October 26

Purpose & Prayer

Purpose & Prayer

by Eric Michael Cap | GOLD STREET

Connecting your Work / Business to a Higher Purpose

Staying connected to our work's higher purpose (above making money) helps us to pursue business goals with the "right" motivation. When we focus on helping others achieve their goals by serving them well, we invariably accomplish ours. It seems counterintuitive, but we win when we help others win. 

Reflective Prayer & meditation helps us Focus & work on-Purpose towards our higher Goals, instead of getting lost in the daily work whirlwind (email, slack, zoom meetings, working on other people's priorities, constantly putting out fires & grabbing low-hanging fruit). 

Remember Your Work "Why"? (or) "Higher Purpose"? as you go about your day & enjoy the calm peace of not sweating the small stuff by keeping your eye on the bigger picture.

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Sign up to get your free Lesson on Higher Purpose & Prayer from our 2021 Productivity for (ADD) Creative Entrepreneurs Course.

Higher Purpose / Work on Purpose

Too many people go to work for a paycheck doing (soul-killing) work they don't love, for people they don't like, feeling what they do doesn't matter or make a difference. 

God wants us to enjoy & find meaning in our work. When we connect our Work "Why" to a Higher Purpose bigger than ourselves, we find the motivation to excel & exceed beyond just doing the job we're paid to do. 

Taking time every morning before the workday whirlwind begins to reflect, meditate & pray about Who & How we can serve people well, can make all the difference.

bible verses

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About the Author

Eric Michael Cap is the Creative Leader & founder of Gold Street - a Music & Media Content + Marketing Agency based in Burbank - Los Angeles CA. With over two decades of entrepreneurial experience, he blends creativity and purpose to help clients make an impact. A devoted husband of 24 years and a follower of Jesus for over 34, Eric is deeply rooted in his faith and finds joy in serving his people. He currently leads a hybrid Men's Life Group @ Mariners Church Irvine, and has supported fellow entrepreneurs as a Faith Driven Entrepreneur facilitator, and Songwriters/Artists via Gold Street music workshops & showcases. His daughter Jasmine recently graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor of Science degree (PsychoBiology major) & Latin honors. When he's not working, you’ll find Eric soaking up nature at the beach, hiking scenic trails, enjoying music/arts, or capturing life through his camera lens. #EricMichaelCap #GoldStreet #creative

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