April 19

Vision Boards

Vision Boards

by Eric Michael Cap | GOLD STREET

Goal Vision Board ideas & tools to help you visualize your dreams and inspire action. Learn how to create your own to keep your goals visible using our custom templates & 3rd party apps. #goals #visionboard #lifeonfire

Vision Board 9-square

Recommended Resources

Vision Board 9-square

Gold Street Canva templates (2 free) by Eric Michael Cap

Course lesson - Vision

Gold Street Course video (sample) Visualization Tools

Web + IOS Apps and Challenge

Web Apps: Milanote

IOS/Android Apps: Vision Board (IOS) | Android

Challenge: LifeOnFire.com

Get Free Vision Board templates & Productivity Course video

Sign up to get our FREE Vision Board Canva templates, and Subscribe to GOLD STREET for related content + special offers.

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About the Author

Eric Michael Cap is the Creative Leader & founder of Gold Street - a Music & Media Content + Marketing Agency based in Burbank - Los Angeles CA. With over two decades of entrepreneurial experience, he blends creativity and purpose to help clients make an impact. A devoted husband of 24 years and a follower of Jesus for over 34, Eric is deeply rooted in his faith and finds joy in serving his people. He currently leads a hybrid Men's Life Group @ Mariners Church Irvine, and has supported fellow entrepreneurs as a Faith Driven Entrepreneur facilitator, and Songwriters/Artists via Gold Street music workshops & showcases. His daughter Jasmine recently graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor of Science degree (PsychoBiology major) & Latin honors. When he's not working, you’ll find Eric soaking up nature at the beach, hiking scenic trails, enjoying music/arts, or capturing life through his camera lens. #EricMichaelCap #GoldStreet #creative

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